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Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Ms. Annette Braun

Teachers who love teaching,
teach children to love learning.

I’ve spent many wonderful years in classrooms filled with young children and feel I am truly blessed to be in a profession where I can share my Catholic faith with my students. Every day I am eager to help children to love learning at Our Lady of Grace Catholic School.

I hold a Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education and Special Education from the University of Cincinnati. I continue my professional development through graduate work at Xavier University. I have Advanced Catechist Certification and was honored with an Exemplary Catechist Award from the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.

My goal each year is to fill our classroom with happy children eager to learn in an atmosphere that is stimulating, encouraging and adaptive to the varied needs of the students. Together, the children and I build a classroom community where each day we practice our class motto, Do Your Best. I believe each child can succeed when surrounded by a supportive home and school environment. I am excited to have the opportunity to bring out the best in my students.