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Sunday, February 16, 2025

Academic Honors


Honor Awards -- Honors will be awarded in grades 4 through 8.

Honors will be calculated using the following quality point system:
A = 4      B = 3     C = 2     D = 1     F = 0

First Honors will require:
 1. A total of at least 22 quality points in the core subjects (Religion, Expression, Reading, Math, Social Studies, and Science).
 2. B or better in all subjects.

Second Honors will require:
1. A total of 18 quality points in the core subjects (Religion, Expression, Reading, Math, Social Studies, and Science/Health).
2. C or better in all subjects.

First Honors will require:
1. A total of at least 22 quality points in the core subjects (Religion, Expression, Reading, Math, Social Studies and Science).
2. B or better in all subjects.

Second Honors will require:
1. A total of 18 quality points in the core subjects (Religion, Expression, Reading, Math, Social Studies and Science).
2. C or better in all subjects.

8th Grade Awards

St. Therese de Lisieux Award (Spiritual)

St. Therese discovered that love was her life’s vocation. This award is presented to the student who demonstrates, through their actions and prayer life a spirituality marked by a deep love of Jesus Christ.

St. Margaret Mary Award (Physical)

Jesus appeared to St. Margaret Mary and told her that she should make known to all the world the image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The Lord said that this powerful image would help bring renewed fire to the hearts of Christians. This award is presented to a student who shows in their physical activities and good sportsmanship a devotion to the image of God that is in all human beings.

St. Ann Award (Artistic)

St. Ann, the mother of Mary, taught her daughter the beauty of their religion and its feasts and traditions. In turn, Mary shared this beautiful heritage in celebrations with her own family. This award is presented to the student who also shows, through their artistic gifts, a love of beauty and of our religious heritage.

Assumption Award (Social)

Mary, the mother of Jesus, selflessly embraced the will of God for her life. She bore the Son of God and in so doing revealed to us God’s social nature (Father, Son and Holy Spirit). We are created in God's image and therefore social in our very nature. The recipient of this award demonstrates a life that is properly ordered by actions that build the Kingdom of God here at Our Lady of Grace School and in the greater community.

Merit Honors

Effort grade of “1” 
No items marked with an "X" in the Personal Development section of the report card. 
No core items marked with an “X” in the Work/Study section of the report card (an “X” in “Uses reference materials well”, “Spells correctly in written work”, and/or “Writes legibly” will not exclude a student from Merit Honors).

Communal Recognition Ceremony

Students of Our Lady of Grace School are recognized for excellence in their academic, spiritual, physical, social and artistic achievements in January during Catholic Schools Week and at the end of the school year. Below are descriptions of just a few of these awards:

Our Lady of Grace Award

Awarded to students who exemplify many of the characteristics of Mary, the mother of Jesus. One student per homeroom will be selected.

Academic Honors

1st or 2nd academic honors for first trimester or all year

Merit Honors

1st or 2nd merit honors for first trimester or all year

Attendance Award

No more than four times excused tardy (arrive before 9:45AM) or early dismissals (leave no earlier than 1:30) and no absences for first trimester or all year