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Thursday, March 13, 2025

Inclement Weather Policy

OLG will follow Northwest Local School District plans for any weather related school closings or delays. OLG will not announce an early dismissal for snow. No students will be released to district transportation operating on an early dismissal for fear there will be no supervision at home when they arrive.


Our Lady of Grace Catholic School - 2 HOUR DELAY

  • There will be no AM buses to OLG from any district opening on time when OLG is on a 2 hour delay. In this situation, parents will have to provide their own transportation to school to accommodate the 10:00 a.m. start time.
  • There will be AM buses to OLG from any district also opening on a 2 HOUR DELAY.
  • There will be PM busing from all districts who are open (regardless of their start time).
  • There will be no AM or PM busing from any district that is CLOSED.


Our Lady of Grace Catholic School - CLOSED

  • No school and no child care.

Parents and guardians are the determinants of whether or not it is safe to transport students in their charge. Please exercise your own good judgment when determining if, when or how students will be transported in the event of inclement weather.