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Sunday, February 16, 2025

Meeting Dates

PTO meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of the month starting at 6:30 p.m. in the Our Lady of Grace teacher's lounge.

2023-24 PTO Board Members

Executive Officers

Nicki Martin - President

Sara Seaton – Vice President

Debbie Mattingly - Treasurer

Shanice Weathers  - Secretary


PTO Reimbursement

Have you purchased something for the Eagle Walk, Open House or another PTO project? Submit your request for reimbursement here.

OLG Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

The mission of the Our Lady of Grace Parent Teacher Organization (OLG PTO) is to provide fun and enriching opportunities that encourage students’ interest in learning, and to foster a spirit of cooperation and sense of community among students, parents, teachers, and administration as well as the Covenant Parish communities.

All parents are members of PTO simply by having a child attend Our Lady of Grace School; no dues are ever required to be a member of the PTO.


These meetings are open, and all parents are invited to attend! Your ideas and participation are always needed and appreciated. Join the OLG Family Facebook group for reminders about meetings and upcoming events.

If you have any suggestions or comments on how to make this a great year for the students, please contact us at

PTO Activities

What does the PTO do?

Short answer - A LOT! Here's a list of some of the activities that PTO either supports financially or directs independently.

Ice Cream Social - Before the school year starts every year, the PTO puts on everyone's favorite event - the Ice Cream Social. It's a chance to drop off school materials and meet up with friends you haven't seen in a while and enjoy some ice cream as well. 

Welcoming Committee - Before the Ice Cream Social, the Welcoming Committee is hard at work preparing welcome packets for new families, distributing Welcome signs for yards and spreading the wonderful OLG hospitality.

Field Trips / Assemblies - Students in every grade take at least one field trip a year. While parents might be asked to pay a small fees for tickets or other cost for the field trip, PTO picks up the tab for the buses. PTO also sponsors grade level and whole school assemblies.

School Events - From skating parties to school dances, Veteran's day to Special Guest day, PTO plans and sponsors many events for the students and their families. We are always looking for new events, anything to make our community stronger! 

Classroom Items - PTO is proud to support our teachers through reimbursement for their out-of-pocket expenses for things used in their classrooms. Our teacher go above and beyond and we like to show our appreciation for that effort. PTO also surprises classrooms with Christmas gifts to be used by students during indoor recess or on the playground.

Technology - The ever changing scope of education requires ever changing technology to keep up with it. PTO has purchased over $50,000 in computers, smart boards and chrome carts over the last 8 years. This is in addition to what the school purchases with state funding.

Library Resources - Whether replacing old worn out books or acquiring newly published books, PTO is pleased to support our school library by providing funds. The annual Scholastic Book Fair is also a source of new books for individual classrooms as well as the library.

Leadership Council - OLG teachers are training the future leaders of our community through their efforts with select students in Leadership Council. PTO is proud to support those efforts financially.

Junior High Family Program - One unique program to OLG is the Junior High Family program. All students in grades 6-8 are placed in family groups. All year they work on team buildind and mentoring. The fruits of this program are beyond what anyone hoped for, just ask the kids, they love their families at OLG! PTO is thrilled to support this program financially.

Catholic Schools Week - Starting with Open House and filling the week with fun for everyone, PTO takes part by providing refreshments, activities and prizes for students and lunch for our teachers.

Option C - As you may know Option C is the online gradebook and communication system that OLG uses. This system is critical to the academic and community aspect of school, therefore, the PTO is happy to pay for Option C. 

Professional Devlopment - OLG teachers are absolutely some of the best you will find anywhere. One thing that makes them so great is their commitment to continuing their own education. PTO supports this effort by offering reimbursement for some professional development courses and activities, approved by the principal. We chose to support professional development when the state cut funding for teachers in this area.

Graduation - There is something truly special about 8th grade graduation at OLG. PTO works to provide for several different traditions including the 8th grade memory book and group photos, 8th grade awards day and the reception and celebration dance after graduation itself. 

8th grade Scholarships - PTO is proud to support our graduating students with scholarships to area Catholic High Schools. Each year 4 students are chosen through an application and essay process.

Eagle Walk - You may be thinking by now, how do we pay for all of the things above that PTO supports. The answer is simple - the annual Eagle Walk! This event would probably be voted the best day ever by every student at OLG. Families come together to volunteer, kids come together to walk and exercise while sponsorship is collected from families, friends and area business. This is the one and only time we ask students to participate in a fundraiser for the PTO.

Eagle Walk

The OLG PTO organizes the school’s largest fundraiser of the year where students seek sponsorship from family, friends and local businesses.  This friendly competition, The Eagle Walk,  raises money to fund the PTO's budget. The students wrap up the fun with a day of outdoor fun walking, dancing, hula-hooping and other physical fitness activities.  Additional prizes are granted to those that reach fundraising milestones along the way.  Have an idea for this year’s Eagle Walk theme?  Want to help gather prizes?  Have time to help at the event?   Let us know by emailing PTO@OLGCS.ORG

This Year's Date - To Be Announced

This Year's Theme - Come help us create a fun theme!

If you are interested in helping with this year's Eagle Walk planning, please email

Redemption Programs

Please consider supporting the box tops and Coke Rewards programs.   Each option provides additional funds to the PTO budget. Click on each tab to learn more about each program.  Want to help?  We’re always looking for helpers to enter coke rewards codes!  Message PTO@OLGCS.ORG for details.
Box Tops is changing to fit today's families. The new and improved Box Tops mobile app uses state-of-the-art technology to scan your store receipt, find participating products and instantly add Box Tops to your school's earnings online.
For every Box Top scanned, OLG gets 10 cents. May not seem like much but they add up quickly. The lifetime earning for OLG (12 years now) is almost $30,000! If you still have the old style box tops at home, please send them into school. Most packaging today has been updated to just the Box Tops logo, but sometimes you'll find ones with 10 cents printed on it, send those in and we will redeem them for cash!  Learn More at

Every bottle or package of Coca Cola products contains a 14 digit code. Those codes are entered on the website. Be sure to search for Our Lady of Grace 45239 to donate directly to our school. Every cap is worth 5 cents and box codes are worth 15-30 cents, allowing us to spend it on new technology, art supplies, and other things for the kids.