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Sunday, February 16, 2025

Faith Formation Program

At the core of our curriculum is our Faith Formation Program. This program works to engage the head, heart and hands of each student. Throughout the course of the year students celebrate the Mass, participate in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, engage in community service, take part in Theological reflection and experience a variety of prayer services. Communal and individual prayer is experienced daily.

Our Lady of Grace has the honor of preparing Catholic students for the first celebrations of Reconciliation and Eucharist as well as the Sacrament of Confirmation. Our Lady of Grace School is given the opportunity to ensure preparedness for these formative experiences. Parent/guardian meetings, retreat days, and, ultimately, a celebration of God's grace will be held in each covenant parish. These celebrations make known God's presence through the community gathered to share in and witness the Sacramental life of our youth.

Each week we celebrate mass at St. Ann Church. It brings us closer together as a school community.

Here are some other ways we grow in faith:

Liturgical ministry gives students of all religious beliefs a chance to spread a message of love and service. Opportunities include:

Lectors read the call to worship, scriptures and prayers of the faithful.

Choir and Cantors lead the students in song at mass.

Processions bring up the gifts at the offertory.

The Living Stations of the Cross are a new, unique way to experience the historical and traditional prayer for the Lenten season. Our seventh grade students divide into two casts, prepare costumes and props, and review scripts. Some portray characters and others serve as station prayer leaders.

The Life-sized Last Supper is a second grade interpretation of Leonardo da Vinci's famous painting. To prepare for their First Communion, the students studied appropriate dress, hairstyles, and facial features popular in Jesus lifetime. Then, teams of students worked together to draw and color Jesus and his Apostles.