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Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Mrs. Mandy Kirk

Mrs. Kirk has many years of experience in education as a teacher leader in grades preschool through high school. She has shown a strong commitment to Catholic education as mentor, Leadership Team member, and a middle school English and Reading teacher. Mrs. Kirk is a graduate of Xavier University with a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education and a Master of Education in Reading with an additional graduate certification in Educational Leadership.

In addition to her professional experiences, Mrs. Kirk serves on the athletic booster and youth football executive boards in her hometown of Milford, Ohio. She also volunteers in the Parish Religious Education Program at St. Andrew the Apostle Church. Mrs. Kirk and her husband Steve have three children, Shelby, Danny, and Eli.

Mrs. Kirk is looking forward to working with the students, parents, and staff to help fulfill the spiritual, academic, social, artistic and physical potential given to them by God.